

欧州を中心としたODコミュニティであるIODA(International OD Associations http://www.iodanet.org/)のニュースレター7月号に、ODネットワークジャパンが紹介されました。



A report from OD Network (ODN) as an international friend of IODA

Ken Nishikawa, Japan

We sincerely introduce all IODA members and our activities that we have done up to now.

First, OD Network Japan started on February 7, 2010. Two years ago, some people who were interested in OD discussed together the necessities for the OD community in Japan. More people than the first group began to draft the charter of the ODNJ and checked it again and again. All dedications finally were orchestrated into founding ODNJ. On the day, thirteen founders of ODNJ came together to a small room in Tokyo to declare the first day of ODNJ activity. On February 12, the division of Legal Affairs Bureau in Japan accepted ODNJ as a formal community. It‘s the end of the beginning.

Second, ODNJ held the first Annual Conference in Tokyo on May 15. Over fifty people came to share time and talking about OD for almost half a day. Main theme and the program of the conference was the following: “Future that OD creates. – Be true to self between reflection and participation.”

In the first part of the conference, Ken Nishikawa gave a short lecture that described the framework of OD. Afterwards, the Director of Administration of ODNJ, Takashi Oshima, also gave a brief lecture about OD values. In the second part of it, after Check In., five or six groups having three or four people started to share their own experience about Democracy in the workplace in Japan and discussed struggling to achieve balance between Democracy and Japanese subtle business culture. People moved around each table as
“World Cafe” does after sufficient time had passed. Finally, the representatives of each table introduced their discussions to all attendees for a few minutes, and then, we all reflected our activities during the first conference of ODNJ with respect to reflection and participation.

Third, on June 12, we started a meeting for sharing OD knowledge with prospective and registered members of ODNJ. Because we got happy responses from many at the first conference of ODNJ, we decided to run another regular meeting for the member of ODNJ as well as non-registered but prospective members of us. Over twenty people came to a small conference room in Tokyo on that day,and had an interesting time under the same manner of the first conference. In the first half of the meeting, Ken introduced the concept of OD process based on the textbook and the case; Seagram written by Todd D. Jick (2000). In the latter half, all attendees shared the experience and idea about change process in their workplace based on the discussions of the case: Seagram.

I hope our tiny efforts will encourage people to learn more about OD; in addition, OD will get more appreciation from clients,practitioners, and academics in Japan.Ken Nishikawa:


IODA newsletter July 2010 (PDF)


© OD Network Japan